Berta Davis PH.D.
Whether your difficulty is in the area of relationships, sexuality, parenting or general life anxiety, Dr. Davis has the experience to help you solve the myriad of life stresses that befall us all. Her career spans over three decades and as such her expertise is widespread. Early in her career she was a full time elementary as well as a university teacher. She understands the nuances of learning and growth and the many pitfalls we all encounter throughout our lifetime. The impact of family, environment, socio-economic, religious and cultural factors all play a role in who we are and what we do. As she has lived and lectured abroad, she brings her understanding of these myriad factors to her work.
General Approach to Therapy
- Psychotherapy is a collaboration and connection between a therapist and a client. Throughout our life, interpersonal, emotional, familial and work problems arise. The skilled clinician is able to understand the meaning of these difficulties within the fabric of one’s own personal narrative and together discover your own formula to achieve a greater level of spontaneity, pleasure and success.
- Talking to Dr. Davis can help you face the normal struggles ALL human beings encounter in areas of work, family and personal situations. Even at times of positive change such as the birth of a new child, one’s child going off the school, promotions at work and geographical relocation, changes occur which create emotional havoc even for healthy people.
- Throughout life there are bumps along the road. If you respond to early signs of pain you will be able to avoid prolonged distress, anxiety, fear and sadness.
Personal consultation with Dr. Davis can provide the enhancement of self-esteem and confidence, help to individuals and couples in coping with the challenging tasks of living, resolution of marital and sexual distress, and a safe private place to explore feelings and develop tools to increase sexual comfort.